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Sep 09, 2018
Passage: Revelation 22:11

Filthy or Holy

He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still


Reader, there are only two types of people in the world, you are either one or the other, you are either filthy or holy.

You see, throughout the history of humanity, throughout all the ages of time, there are only two kinds of people to be found; the filthy and the holy. Now, by nature we are all unjust, we are all filthy; in truth all of us are as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags in God’s sight [ISAIAH 64:11]. Blessed be God, all of His people, by His grace, have and shall put off that which is filthy, they will be made willing in the day of His power to put on that which is holy, Christ Jesus the Lord! [PSALM 110:3]

Beloved, by His unmerited grace in Christ, we have put off the filthy deeds of the flesh and we have put on that which is holy, the very righteousness of God, the righteousness of Christ himself.

Professing christian, by God’s enabling Spirit, He will show you who you were without Christ and who you are now in Christ. I pray that in listening to the gospel of His dear Son, our Heavenly Father will teach you, and as you learn of His beloved Son, make you to see your desperate need of Christ, making you willing to flee to the riches of His mercy and grace found only in Him.

Reader, come to Christ to be cleansed from all your filthiness and be made clean by His blood. You see, there are only two types of people in the world, the filthy and the holy. Those who are and ever will be outside of Christ, and those who are and ever shall be in Christ.

By God’s grace beloved, you have put off your unrighteous filthiness and put on the righteousness of Christ, which is the righteousness of God. Amen!

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