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Apr 30, 2016
Passage: 2 Timothy 2:12

If We Deny

If we deny that man is dead in sin; that he is nothing, has nothing and can do nothing to merit salvation then we make ‘man true and God a liar’!

If we deny God’s eternal and unconditional election of a people unto salvation; make salvation to be by man’s choice and will, instead of God’s choice, will and purpose; then we exalt man’s will above God’s, dethrone the Almighty and set man up in His place!

If we deny the particular and effectual redemption of the elect by the blood of Christ; then we have no gospel to preach, only an atonement that does not atone, a redemption that does not redeem, and a saviour that cannot save; we make a mockery of the suffering and death of the Son of God and count the blood of the covenant an unholy (common) thing!

If we deny the invincible and essential work of God the Holy Spirit; in regeneration and the new birth then we must deny that ‘that which is born of the flesh is flesh,‘ and say, ‘that which is born of the flesh is spirit’! Then we make Him to be less than man and emphatically deny that salvation is of the Lord, Who only can give life to the dead!

If we deny the preservation and perseverance of the saints; then we openly declare that there is a power greater than God, one who can frustrate His purpose and pluck the sheep out of the Father’s hand, contrary to the words of the Lord Jesus.

If we deny Him, He also will deny us. (2 TIMOTHY 2:12).

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