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Oct 08, 2017
Preacher: William Brown
Passage: John 6:37

Is This Death? Is It possible?

Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out

(JOHN 6:37)

In my late illness I thought I should be able to tell poor sinners to trust, and not be afraid. The peace I felt was indescribable. In myself a guilty wretch, but standing on the sea of glass, the blood and righteousness of Christ, I felt as though I was walking on solid ice; not a drop of water to touch me. I had the feeling,—‘Is this death? Is it possible?’ Such peace, perfect peace, and quiet joy. All, all my sin blotted out, and the sky above without a cloud. I was just like a child safe folded in its mother’s arms. My dear friend, cast yourself at His feet with me as a vile, guilty, hell-deserving sinner, and neither you nor I shall ever perish. He is faithful who has promised—‘Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.’ This was my first word of comfort, and it must be my last: I have no other hope. Would you believe it? I was cast down at my recovery, because I feared I should never be so much favored again. This thought, I believe, came from the devil. Why should we doubt? How unkind to harbor such hard thoughts of our best friend. ‘He that has delivered will deliver.’ ‘[He will rest in his love]’—Your unworthy brother in Christ.

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