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Jan 13, 2019
Passage: Romans 8:1

No Condemnation, No Judgement in Christ

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit

(ROMANS 8:1)

Beloved, there is therefore now no condemnation, that is, there is therefore now no judgment to them which are in the Lord Jesus Christ, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (ROMANS 8:1). Think of it beloved! No condemnation for your sin—oh the blessedness of that reality! There is therefore, right now, no condemnation to you who are resting in the Lord Jesus Christ. And why is that? Because, beloved believing sinner, the Lord Jesus Christ has answered the demands of God’s law for all your sins. Indeed, He has made a full atonement, a full satisfaction for all of the iniquities and transgressions of His people.

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