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Apr 23, 2023
Passage: Ephesians 1:6 & Galatians 5:4
Duration:2 mins 9 secs

‘Accepted in the Beloved’

To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.

(Ephesians 1:6)

Reader, upon what do you rest your hope of acceptance before a holy God? Baptism? Church work? A religious experience? A moral reformation? All these things, in themselves, are vain, empty and useless. They are worse! Apart from the knowledge of Christ, they are a positive curse. If you and I trust anything, in any measure, for our total acceptance before God, other than Jesus Christ, we shall surely perish! ‘Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace’ [Galatians 5:4].

Our text declares that ‘He [God the Father] hath made us accepted in the beloved [God the Son].’ Here is a doctrine full of consolation to our hearts. God Almighty has made all of his people accepted, perfectly and completely, in Christ! It is no marvel that we should accept Christ. But there is wonder in this, that God accepts us, sinners deserving his wrath, in Christ Jesus! Beloved, there exists a positive and eternal union between Christ and his people. We are one with Christ. A rapturous thought! Bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh! ‘We are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.’ We are one with Christ in his heart from all eternity. Our names are written beneath his in the book of God’s eternal election. We are in the hands of Christ, as the Surety of our redemption and eternal glory. We are in the loins of Christ spiritually. As in Adam we sinned and died, even so in Christ we died upon the cross and rose again! And we are in his very person. By a living faith we are joined to the God-man. He lives in us and we live in him! This is the vital union of faith, enjoyed by God’s elect. This is the beginning of heaven and eternal glory. Being accepted in Christ, we have become the objects of God’s pleasure. As God is pleased with his Son, he is pleased with all who are in his Son. Think of this, believing soul: God is well- pleased with you for Christ’s sake! ‘He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.’ [AMEN!]

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