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May 27, 2018
Passage: Luke 10:42 & 1 John 5:12

One Thing Is Needful

…one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her

(LUKE 10:42)

Dear visitor, in our local church there are people who smoke, and those who don’t, those who drink an alcoholic beverage with their meal, and those that don’t. Some people have tattoos and some don’t. Some watch Fox News and others watch CNN. Some believe we landed on the moon, and others don’t. Some people believe the earth is billions of years old and still others believe the earth is thousands of years old. But there is one thing that God’s beloved people all have in common, how that by God’s undeserved grace, it has been His sovereign pleasure to make known to us our one desperate need, and that is His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Saviour for sinners. I know you have many questions—be still, listen to the gospel, and ask our Heavenly Father to let you hear His Son’s saving voice; He declares how that He is the one thing needful “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me…I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (JOHN 10:27-28). AMEN!

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