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Apr 09, 2016
Passage: Isaiah 40:1-2


Preaching at one of our Bible conferences several years ago, Pastor Scot Richardson made a profound statement about preaching. He said, "Preaching is getting a message from God's heart to my heart and delivering it to your heart. Anything else is just filling in time." What a profound, insightful, needful statement! The Lord God promised to give his church pastors after his own heart, who would feed his people with knowledge and with understanding (JEREMIAH 3:15). He commands his prophets, "Speak ye comfortably" (to the heart) to my people (ISAIAH 40:2). That is the responsibility of every gospel preacher every time he speaks to eternity bound men and women in the name of God. But it is a task no man can accomplish. The only way any mere man can speak the things of God to the heart of another is if God himself is pleased to speak through him.

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