Sovereign Grace Church in New Caney concluded her last gathering on Sunday morning, April 28th, 2024. We hope you will continue to gather together with us at Lincoln Wood Baptist church. For more information please visit Thank you.

[By September 30th, 2024, (SGC in New Caney sermons, grace bulletins, articles, audio articles, and other gospel resources) will be archived, Lord willing, at]
Sovereign Grace Church - Remember - by Joseph D. Murphy

the unsearchable riches of Christ...


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Aug 23, 2020
Passage: Ephesians 2:11-13 & Jeremiah 31:3



(Ephesians 2:11-13)

What is it to be found before a Holy God without Christ? In one word, RUINED! Now, what does that mean? It means much more than being broken. You see, when I have something that is broken, I still have hope that maybe I can fix it. God’s people have been made to see, in the light of Christ, that apart from Him, they are ruined with no hope of any self remedy.

In Ephesians chapter 2 the Holy Spirit calls us to remember, that at that time we were without Christ. The prophet declares “Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged” (Isaiah 51:1). Keep this in your remembrance beloved, the rock whence you were hewn, and the hole of the pit whence you were digged. Remember the tomb of unbelief from which you were brought forth.

Friend, you and I will never be able to value the Lord’s righteousness until we have been convinced that we have no righteousness of our own! Then, once convinced by the Holy Spirit, Christ will be revealed to be our all and in all— when we feel, and know, and are convinced of our utter and complete poverty before the Lord—then, if God be pleased, in Christ, He is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption, That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the LORD. (1 Corinthians 1:30)

Beloved, remember your former ruined and dead state without Christ. Praise the Lord for your everlasting, blessed, and secure state, in Him! Remember that though you are deserving of His wrath, even as others; in Christ you have been saved with an everlasting salvation because He has loved you with an everlasting love!

Believing sinner, the prophet declares of your salvation: “The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3)

Beloved, remember we are not the children of the devil, but the children of God, and He has drawn us with lovingkindness—not wrath. And why is that? God’s word says “…because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” (Galatians 4:6)

We have received the gift of the Spirit, so we cry Abba Father, because we have always been His children! While that didn’t seem true in our experience, in the covenant grace, we have always been His children; indeed from before the foundation of the world.

In our experience we were dead, in one word—ruined, but in the covenant of grace we have been everlastingly redeemed according to His own purpose and grace given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. AMEN! (Read 2 Timothy 1:8-11, Acts 13:47-48)

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