Sovereign Grace Church in New Caney concluded her last gathering on Sunday morning, April 28th, 2024. We hope you will continue to gather together with us at Lincoln Wood Baptist church. For more information please visit Thank you.

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Sovereign Grace Church - The Apple Of His Eye - by William Gadsby

the unsearchable riches of Christ...


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May 28, 2017
Preacher: William Gadsby
Passage: Deuteronomy 32:10

The Apple Of His Eye

He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.


The doctrine of God’s discriminating grace is not fashionable among a certain body of professors; but it is nevertheless true. According to their views, Jehovah himself is the only being in existence who is not allowed to make a choice. To talk of God’s making a choice, and setting apart a people for himself,—they say he is an unjust God and [say he is to be blamed if someone is damned]; he is not a holy and just God in that case. According to them God is unjust because he chooses; yet you find these very characters vindicate their own right to make a choice, in almost every instance. They think they have a right to choose a companion for life; to choose their own food; to choose or reject God; and yet Jehovah has no right to make a choice. He, is the only being without that right. Consequently they sink God lower than the lowest, beggar in existence, they make him lower in their estimation than the poorest sinner under the heavens. But when they have used all their arguments and spent all their pride and enmity against God’s right to make a choice, he still chooses as he sits on his unshaken throne; and, in his electing, immortal, and everlasting love, chooses a people for himself; a people that shall glorify him and be his portion for ever. “The LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.” God did not find Jacob full of “pious” [virtuous] cultivation with which some persons wish to recommend themselves to God: but he found him in a desert land, where no one but the Lord would have looked for him. No one else would ever expect to find God’s gems and jewels and the crown of his rejoicing in a desert land! O what a mercy it is that the Lord comes to seek and to save his own [LUKE 19:10]. If it had not been his work, they would never have been found. No one else would ever look for them there. They would never expect to find them in that low situation in which sin has plunged them. But God knows where to look, and he finds them in a desert land and a howling wilderness. And after he has found them, what does he [do] with them? He leads them forth and instructs them in his glorious dispensations; he teaches them fresh lessons as long as they shall live; and, amidst all the bewildering and dangerous parts of their journey, he keeps them as “the apple of his eye.” O what a text that is! The apple of the eye is considered to be the most tender part of the human body. And what is the apple of God’s eye? It is his own glory! And where is that secured? In the Person of the Son of God. There the glory of God is secured. So that the Lord keeps those whom he has consecrated and set apart for himself, to be a peculiar people, as sacred and secure as his own glory, in the Person of the God-man Mediator [the Lord Jesus Christ]; for he keeps them “as the apple of his eye.” What a blessing it is to be among the number of this peculiar people.

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