Sovereign Grace Church in New Caney concluded her last gathering on Sunday morning, April 28th, 2024. We hope you will continue to gather together with us at Lincoln Wood Baptist church. For more information please visit Thank you.

[By September 30th, 2024, (SGC in New Caney sermons, grace bulletins, articles, audio articles, and other gospel resources) will be archived, Lord willing, at]
Sovereign Grace Church - Three R’s - by Henry Mahan

the unsearchable riches of Christ...


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Apr 02, 2016
Preacher: Henry Mahan
Passage: 2 Timothy 3:7

Three R’s

I believe that every sermon we preach should have THE THREE R’S: RUIN by the fall, REDEMPTION by the blood of CHRIST and REGENERATION by the HOLY SPIRIT. If our hearers learn these in their hearts, they will not go far wrong on other matters; but if they have not learned these, it will matter very little what else they learn. They will be like those who "are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 TIMOTHY 3:7)

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