Sovereign Grace Church in New Caney concluded her last gathering on Sunday morning, April 28th, 2024. We hope you will continue to gather together with us at Lincoln Wood Baptist church. For more information please visit Thank you.

[By September 30th, 2024, (SGC in New Caney sermons, grace bulletins, articles, audio articles, and other gospel resources) will be archived, Lord willing, at]
Sovereign Grace Church - Wait On The LORD - by Joseph D. Murphy

the unsearchable riches of Christ...


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May 14, 2023
Passage: Proverbs 20:22 & John 10:28
Duration:1 mins 33 secs

Wait On The LORD

Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.

(Proverbs 20:22)

The author of ‘How Shall I Go to God?’ conveys that God “asks your consent” (Page 36, Published in 1883, by HB). I’m so glad that our good and ready to forgive God does not condition our salvation upon ‘our consent’, but rather, ever so blessedly, upon His. We learn in the Gospel that He is the captain of our salvation and at that appointed time of love He conquers us and gives us eternal life. I’m so thankful and do rejoice, and I trust the believing reader just the same, to hear our Lord declare of His beloved people, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:28). Notice our Lord says ‘give’, that is, He sovereignly gives eternal life to His sheep and He does so freely without waiting for our consent. You see reader, God doesn’t wait for our consent, oh no, we wait on Him. Reader, “wait on the LORD, and He shall save thee” (Proverbs 20:22). Keep looking to the Lord Jesus Christ for all your salvation. Indeed, look and live! Our good and ready to forgive God would have His people to know and rest in this; that by the blood and righteousness of His Son, because of His once for all sacrifice for sins upon the cross, God tells every sinner who believes, ‘your sins and your iniquities will I remember no more’ [Hebrews 8:12,10:17]. Beloved, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1st Thessalonians 5:21). AMEN.

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